FEI Magellan

Purchased by the University in 2011, the Magellan was at the time FEI’s highest resolution SEM available. Even today the Magellan holds up remarkably well against younger microscopes, boasting some of the best electron optics of any of the centre’s SEMs. Indeed, the Magellan has arguably the best BSE capability of any of the SEMs within the centre. The Magellan’s low kV performance is improved by a monochromator, and contamination is kept to a minimum with the aid of an LN2 cooled cold finger.

For elemental and crystallographic analysis the Magellan is equipped with an Oxford Instruments 80mm2 X-Max EDS detector and NordlysNano EBSD detector. While a 80mm2 detector is smaller than found on some of the younger microscopes, the detector is optimised for shorter working distances to ensure a large solid angle and maintain high X-ray collection. The combination of the Magellan’s relatively high probe intensity with the sensitivity of the NordlysNano makes for an excellent arrangement for higher resolution EBSD studies. Where still higher spatial resolution crystallographic information is required, the Magellan is well set up for TKD analysis.

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Electron Source: FEG
EDS: Oxford Instruments 80mm2 X-Max
EBSD: Oxford Instruments NordlysNano

Contact: EO
Price: £xx/hr