Zeiss Ultra 55

Purchased by the University in 2006, the Zeiss ULTRA 55 is oldest FEG SEM in EMC. Ultra 55 is still brilliant performance at low voltage imaging. Ultra55, featuring GEMINI technology, comprises a fully integrated in-lens detector, a Everhart-Thornley secondary electron detector (SE), an Energy selective (EsB) backscattered detector and an angle selective (AsB) backscattered electron detector. The EsB detector features an integrated filter grid (0-1500 V) to enhance image quality and compositional sensitivity. Combined with the large multi-port analytical chamber, the fully motorised 5-axes eucentric stage and high current mode offers versatile imaging and superb analytical capabilities.

For elemental analysis, the Ultra55 is equipped with Oxford INCA 30 mm2 SiLi detector. The detector is optimised for shorter working distances to ensure a large solid angle and maintain high X-ray collection.

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Electron Source: FEG
EDS: Oxford Instruments INCA 30mm2 SiLi

Contact: EO
Price: £xx/hr